Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Top 3 cheapest sites for style

When your a teen or young adult like me you might not have the cash to drop on good style but like a good fashion addict you still yearn for style. Well fashion addict look no further for these are the top 3 sites to find nice afortable style without useing the black market or god forbid shopping for cloths at Walmart.

 1. Dresslilly.com
Dresslily is actually legit and has almost unbelievable prices. While it wont be lactose or Ralph it for dam sure looks good and for the starving artist/college student beggars cant be choosers now can they.

2.La Tote
La Tote is basically the girl version of Frank and Oak its a designer website where you can order nice high quality cloths without selling a arm and a leg to the triads. You order from there site and they send you their stuff and the best part is you only pay for what you keep so technically you can where these cloths for free for a mouth then send them back. If that's not a deal i dont know what is.

3.Just No Logo
While this is the most expensive option on our list its name says it all. Offering high quality style on a moderate price just no logo on wha you buy. Lets be real anyone who makes fun of you because your shirt "an't Ralph doe" is and forever will be a fuckboy. Period literally.

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